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October Clinic – Lanzarote | 26 October / 1 November

Dear Opti Sailors,
We have good news for you!
We have planned one clinic in Lanzarote – Puerto Calero from 26 October until 1 November.

from 26 October to 1 November

Between Lanzarote or Gran Canaria may vary (in the same island) due to weather conditions or force majeure.

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Pre Autumn Meeting Trofeo Torboli

Dear Opti Sailors,
We have good news for you!
We have planned one clinic in Garda Lake from before the Autumn Meeting Trofeo Torboli in october.

5 – 7 October 2021 (3 days). Eventual Coaching for the races 8-10 October available with limited spots (ask separately by mail).

Simone Ricci will be the Head Coach (3x Optimist World Champion and European Champion Coach)
Mauro Berteotti (Bronze Medal OptiWorld 2021 Coach)

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August Garda Clinic 2021

Dear Opti Sailors,
We have good news for you!
We have planned one clinic in Garda Lake from August 14th to 18th.
Book your spot as soon as possible as places are limited!*
From 14 to 18 August 2021 (Sat to Wed)
Simone Ricci will be the Head Coach (3x Optimist World Champion and European Champion Coach)

Conditions / Programme 2021
We don’t provide accommodation. Riva del Garda is full of Hotels and apartments and there are many options.

We don’t provide food. Each sailor will bring his food and drink on the Rib everyday.

Parents are welcome but we kindly ask to not stay in boats area and not to rig and derig. No parents on water.

Medium to High. Motivated sailors able to sail 4 5 hours and able to manage strong wind.

Training Programme
Opening 14 August 10:00 am – Closing 18 August 3:00 pm.
Normal daily session on water will be 4 hours. Briefing and debriefing everyday. According to weather conditions the meeting time every day could change.

Boat charter
Available on request.

Cost and registration
– Cost is 95,00 € + 4% VAT, per day.
Once registered we will let you know how confirm the booking with a transfer of one day (95,00€), the remaining fee at the beginning of the Clinic.

Please send an email to:

Simone Ricci- mob.+39 3403506427

Security Protocol Covid 19
We should follow rules and restrictions in place to be notified before clinic dates, as per
Government and Local Authorities regulations.

IMPORTANT: Not compliance with Covid-19 measure will be immediate reason for expulsion.

La Graciosa Summer Clinics 2021

Dear Opti Sailors,
We have good news for you!
We have planned 2 training clinics, 6 days each to be held in beautiful La Graciosa Island.
La Graciosa is the eighth canary island, well known by sailors due to great weather
conditions, waves and also the crystalline blue waters and paradise virgin landscapes!
Book your spot as soon as possible as places are limited!*
Clinic 1 – 19 to 24 July 2021 (Mon to Sat)
Clinic 2 – 26 to 31 July 2021 (Mon to Sat)
*Maximum 15 sailors/clinic

Jonás de la Cruz
Ramón Aixemeno

Conditions / Programme 2021
Not included. Sailors are expected to attend accompanied by parents / tutor.
*Atlantis will provide support and information if needed

Sailors Arrival
Arrecife (ACE) Lanzarote is the destination airport before reaching Orzola, village at the
North of Lanzarote, to then board on the 30 minutes ferry to arrive to La Graciosa.

Training Programme
Each clinic will be held during 6 days with an average of 4 hours sailing per day
Sailing will be intensive and in ideal conditions according to weather and wind forecast
We will be doing specific exercises but also daily competition to keep up with racing skills.

Sailors are expected to bring their own picnic daily that they can leave at the coaches rib on
the water. Also, each coach will have on the rib fresh fruits and water available.

What do you need to bring?
Daily temperature in July will be around 22°- 28° Celsius. There may be some cloudy days
and the odd fresh night so do not forget to bring long trousers and jacket together with
summer clothes.

You will also need sport shoes and thongs, and of course sun cream, lipstick, mustique repellent, tooth paste….
If you are chartering a boat you should bring your own sail, wind indicator, mast lock and 4 loops system main sheet.

Theory sessions will be held outside to respect CoVid restrictions.

– Coaching 90 EUR/day
– Boat Charter* 60 EUR/day`
*Totally equipped, except for wind indicator, mast lock, 4 loops system main sheet.

Payment to be done in advance upon registration confirmation.
**Prizes are VAT 7% excluded

Please fill in the form here!

Security Protocol Covid 19
We should follow rules and restrictions in place to be notified before clinic dates, as per
Government and Local Authorities regulations.

IMPORTANT: Not compliance with Covid-19 measure will be immediate reason for expulsion.

Easter Clinic in Lanzarote

When: From March 31 to April 4, 2021 – from 10:00 / 16:00
Where: Playa de las Cucharas, Costa  Teguise, Lanzarote Lanzarote
Coach: Ramón Aximeno

Small group: max 8 athlets.

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Lanzarote Clinic&Race – 22/28 February 2021

When: 22 – 28 February 2021  (27 28 Cesar Manrique Trophy).
Where: Lanzarote – Canary Islands. Real Club Nautico Arrecife.

Race event website

Coaches: Simone Ricci , Jonas de la Cruz.
Coach mobile : Simone Ricci  +39 3403506427 | Jonas de la Cruz +34 690221549

Program: 5 days of training and 2 of racing  to improve all sailing  and racing skills in perfect weather conditions and warm temperatures!
Big Waves, currents, and all kind of winds make Lanzarote one of the best sailing spots in the World. All the best World Class sailors in Optimist and Olympic Classes choose Lanzarote in the past years to prepare their seasons.
4-5 hours sailing per day. The daily program will be flexible in base to weather conditions. Briefing and debriefings could be open air to respect Covid 19 restrictions.
Costs: Coaching 90,00€ per day.
Charter boat:  60,00€ per day.  Fully equipped except sail, wind indicator, mast lock, 4 loops block.20% discount on coaching for brothers.* all prices are VAT 7% excluded
*we understand the difficult period and travelling problems so we don’t ask anticipated payment. Payment at the beginning of the Clinic.
Registration for the race: not included.  Remind to register to the race and show appriopriate documents and insurance.
Accommodation: NOT PROVIDED but text us for any informations.
Food: Not provided. Each Sailor will come with his own lunch bag to bring on the RIB.Contact:
HOW TO REGISTER: Fill the Form on the website.
Covid 19 Security Protocol: We must follow Club rules that will be noticed bit before the Clinic following the advertisements by Local Government and Authorities. 
* You can choose to sail also less days than planned here. Fill it in the Entry form.

Lanzarote Clinic – 16/21 February 2021

When: 16 – 21 February 2021
Where: Lanzarote – Canary Islands. Real Club Nautico Arrecife.

Coaches: Simone Ricci , Jonas de la Cruz.
Coach mobile: Simone Ricci  +39 3403506427 Jonas de la Cruz +34 690221549
Program:  6 days of training  to improve all sailing  and racing skills in perfect weather conditions and warm temperatures!
Big Waves, currents, and all kind of winds make Lanzarote one of the best sailing spots in the World. All the best World Class sailors in Optimist and Olympic Classes choose Lanzarote in the past years to prepare their seasons.
4-5 hours sailing per day. The daily program will be flexible in base to weather conditions. Briefing and debriefings could be open air to respect Covid 19 restrictions.
Costs : Coaching 90,00€ per day.
Charter boat :  60,00€ per day.  Fully equipped except sail, wind indicator, mast lock, 4 loops block.20% discount on coaching for brothers.* all prices are VAT 7% excluded
*we understand the difficult period and travelling problems so we don’t ask anticipated payment. Payment at the beginning of the Clinic.

Accommodation : NOT PROVIDED but text us for any informations.

Food: Not provided. Each Sailor will come with his own lunch bag to bring on the RIB.


HOW TO REGISTER : Fill the Form on the website.

Covid 19 Security Protocol: We must follow Club rules that will be noticed bit before the Clinic following the advertisements by Local Government and Authorities. 
* You can choose to sail also less days than planned here. Fill it in the Entry form.

Aecio Clinic & Race – 20/29 December 2020

When: 20 – 26 December Training Days ( STOP ON 25 DECEMBER) + 27 – 29 December Racing Days AECIO TROPHY.
Where: Real Club Nautico de Gran Canaria – Las Palmas – GRAN CANARIA
Race event website: Website
Coaches : Angel Zubiria Medina (Coach of the Bronze Medal Sailor Optimist World Championship 2019) , Jonas de la Cruz
Coach mobile: Jonas de la Cruz +34 690221549
Program:  6 days of training and 3 of racing to improve all sailing  and racing skills in perfect weather conditions and warm temperatures!
Big Waves, currents, and all kind of winds make Gran Canaria one of the best sailing spots in the World. This is our 4th edition of Clinic and Race in this fabulous Club and all the best sailors in the World came here to train these past years!
4-5 hours sailing per day. The daily program will be flexible in base to weather conditions. Briefing and debriefings could be open air to respect Covid 19 restrictions.
Costs: Coaching 80,00€ per day.
Charter boat 60,00€ per day.* all prices are VAT 7% excluded
*we understand the difficult period and travelling problems so we don’t ask anticipated payment. Payment at the beginning of the Clinic.
Registration for the race: not included. Remind to register to the race and show appriopriate documents and insurance.

Accommodation : NOT PROVIDED but text us for any informations.

Food: Not provided. Each Sailor will come with his own lunch bag to bring on the RIB.


HOW TO REGISTER : Fill the Form on the website.

Covid 19 Security Protocol: We must follow Club rules that will be noticed bit before the Clinic following the advertisements by Local Government and Authorities. 
* You can choose to sail also less days than planned here. Fill it in the Entry form.

Clinic Lanzarote – 4/8 December 2020

When: 4 – 8 December 2020 (5 days)

Where : Playa de las Cucharas – Costa Teguise – LANZAROTE


Coach : Jonas De la Cruz Coach mobile : +34 690221549
Program:  5 days to improve all sailing  and racing skills in perfect weather conditions and warm temperatures! 
4 5 hours sailing per day. The daily program will be flexible in base to weather conditions. Average Wind is 14 17 knts from NE.Briefing and debriefings will be open air to respect Covid 19 restrictions.

Costs : Coaching + Charter boats 600,00 €, Only coaching 350,00 €.*

We understand the difficult period and travelling problems so we don’t ask anticipated payment. Payment at the beginning of the Clinic.

Accommodation : NOT PROVIDED but text us for any informations.

Food: Not provided. Each Sailor will come with his own lunch bag to bring on the RIB.


HOW TO REGISTER : Fill the Form on the website.
Covid 19 Security Protocol: we must follow simple rules that will be noticed bit before the Clinic following the advertisements by Local Government and Authorities.

Garda Meeting Clinic

Where: Fraglia Vela Riva. Riva del Garda – Italy
When: 15 – 19 /2020 August Clinic.
20 – 23 August / 2020 Meeting Garda Races.
Coaches: Simone Ricci (3x World Champion and European Champion) is the Head coach.
Charter boats: available on request by Fraglia Vela Riva.


Program: 4-5 hours sailing per day. Daily program will be flexible in base to the sailing conditions. North wind in the morning and South wind in the afternoon use to be always good in the sailing machine. Briefing
and debriefing everyday on open air according to Covid19 restrictions and all videos and multimedia materials will be sent to the sailors.
Learn to sail your Optimist at 100% and understand all tricks of one of the most important sailing venues in the world.
How to book a place: write to
You can choose to take part from and until the day you prefer: Clinic+Race. Only Clinic. Only Race

For any doubt write to
We don’t ask anticipate payment.
We understand the problems about travels in this Covid 19 period so you can pay directly at the moment of the start of the Clinic and Race.

Coaching: 80,00 € per day.
Charter boat: 40,00 € per day (only one day 50,00 €).
Entry fee for the race not included.

Accommodation: we don’t provide accommodation. Riva del Garda is full of hotels, apartments and campings for an high quality service.
Food and drinks: not included. Special prices for sailors at Fraglia Vela Riva Bar and Restaurant.
Covid 19 security protocol: The Club will follow simple but important rules that will be attached with a
notice to all participants closer to the beginning of the Clinic and Race.
The respect of the rules will be mandatory otherwise sailors and parents can be excluded from the Club and activities.